Stunning AI art inspired by the works of Joan Miró, featuring abstract and surrealist elements.
The painting is composed of a blue, black and yellow background and features extravagant colours for the main elements.
Some of the shapes appearing in this art create the feeling of large celestial bodies roaming the vastness of the universe, while others as toys scattered in a large beach. Between them is a wide body of blue that both, connects and separates the two.
This abstract composition offers a dynamic and playful feeling. The overall effect of the painting would be one of fantasy and imagination, with a strong sense of a dreamlike and surreal atmosphere.
This AI art was created with the most advanced algorithms and curated by the team of Artificial Canvas.
Buy this painting today printed in a high quality canvas ready to hang to your wall and decorate your home in the style of the famous painter Joan Miró.
You can further explore our full collection of canvas art inspired by Joan Miró following the link Miro-inspired art.